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Enabling adoption is pivotal to any successful technology deployment. The PIIM team ensures users' needs are met first and foremost.

At the center of any successful product or project is the ability for the tools, technologies, and visualizations to be easily understood and user-friendly. Without this ease-of-use, any work would become a failure.

PIIM supports a strong focus on usability standards, user testing processes, and ethnographic study. All of our work endures usability review and, if possible, true end-user testing. We deploy usability professionals along with visualization and engineering experts to customer sites for rapid, integrated feedback loops that ensure user adoption.

Our entire visualization and engineering teams undergo significant training in best usability practices and heuristics. This enables each member of any team to understand what many times makes or breaks technology adoption.

In addition, our team focuses its efforts on researching the most up-to-date usability testing methodologies and practices. This effort helps the entire PIIM staff stay keenly aware of the effects of ever-increasingly complex technologies on the population of end-users.

With the consultation of our network of outside usability experts, the PIIM team continually supports its research and real-world activities by ensuring all of our research and development work is ready to be adopted and used by end-users regardless of their level of technical expertise.


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