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About PIIM

The Parsons Institute for Information Mapping (PIIM) is a one-of-a-kind Research, Development, and Professional Services facility.

The Parsons Institute for Information Mapping (PIIM) is a Research, Development, and Professional Services facility within The New School and located in New York City. PIIM's mission is to advance the field of Knowledge Visualization through academic and commercial pursuits.

PIIM researchers and staff disseminate their expertise in information categorization, knowledge representation, information taxonomy development, information logic and ranking/scoring, knowledge visualization, and Graphic User Interface (GUI) and User Experience Design (UXD) by developing powerful tools and methods for decision makers and analysts. PIIM's work seeks to increase decision maker and analyst cognition of complex data sets via efficient experiences and visualizations.

In both its own research and in its engagements with government agencies, corporations and other organizations, PIIM pushes the boundaries of information, engineering and visual design to develop new ways of thinking about information — and to build and deliver corresponding real world solutions.


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