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Open-Source Intelligence

Intelligence gathering is best achieved through a mixture of proprietary and open-source information.

Developing knowledge from classified and protected data sources is a difficult and time-consuming task — especially when the main objective is to test and refine visualization and Knowledge Visualization processes.

PIIM has developed a significant research track centered around Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) and open information sets. This endeavor has helped define PIIM as a leader in the field of visualization and OSINT.

Our research and development work into the field of Open-Source Intelligence focuses on both the technical challenges and engineering related to finding, acquiring, and storing information sets and the methods to search, retrieve, and visualize the results. Our teams have delivered complex, real-time systems to assist in the intelligence gathering and dissemination process.

In addition, our work has sought to bridge the gap between traditionally disparate proprietary/closed and open-source information. PIIM’s endeavors have successfully merged "behind the firewall" assets with mass media.

Our usability-focused research supports all engineering and visualization work we conduct to help define and design truly user-focused software and application interfaces. Our engineers ensure deployment of mission-critical technologies to support system users and intelligence gatherers when it is most crucial.


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